Together, we can make engineering more inclusive.


We believe that one of the most effective ways that our organization can have an impact is through partnering with queer-friendly companies, other non-profit organizations, and engineering student organizations.

We thank those who sponsor and partner with us. These relationships have been mutually beneficial: our partners receive training on matters of diversity & inclusivity, while our members grow their professional networks.


Engineers Canada

Engineers Canada upholds the honour, integrity, and interests of the engineering profession by supporting consistent high standards in the regulation of engineering, encouraging the growth of the profession in Canada, and inspiring public confidence.

Engineers Canada’s sponsorship of EQ Canada was established officially on April 30, 2019. EQ and Engineers Canada are working as partners to facilitate progress towards increased diversity and inclusion in the engineering profession, and the goals of EQ Canada to teach the fundamentals of intersectionality through training and facilitated discussions of various systems of oppression. EQ is providing education, training, and resources on diversity, and advice on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Dillon Consulting - Gold Sponsorship

Dillon is a proudly Canadian, employee-owned professional consulting firm specializing in planning, engineering, environmental science and management. We partner with clients to provide committed, collaborative and inventive solutions to complex, multi-faceted projects.

CIMA+ - Gold Sponsor

Welcome to a place where people are at the heart of everything we do. 

Welcome to people who like people, to brilliant minds, tomorrow’s visionaries, challenge seekers, collaborators, and those with an entrepreneurial spirit in their DNA.   

At CIMA+ you’ll find a place where everyone’s ideas and perspectives are welcomed and encouraged, a place where you’ll have many opportunities to learn and develop while working on projects that rally our team together.   

At the end of the day, we’re proud to be able to say that when you join CIMA+, we’ll welcome you into a place that you can call home. Welcome to a place where your skills and passion can reach their full potential.  

Bienvenue là où l’humain est au cœur de tout.  

Bienvenue aux gens qui aiment les gens, aux cerveaux lumineux, à celles et ceux qui ont des visions d’avenir inspirantes, qui recherchent des défis stimulants, qui ont la fibre collaborative et l’esprit entrepreneurial dans leur ADN.   

 Chez CIMA+, vous découvrirez un environnement où les idées et les aspirations de chacun-e trouvent une écoute attentive et active. Vous y aurez d’innombrables occasions d'apprendre et de développer des compétences variées en travaillant sur des projets mobilisateurs.   

Bref, notre équipe est fière d’affirmer que lorsque vous rejoignez CIMA+, nous pouvons vous accueillir en vous disant « Bienvenue chez vous ! ». Bienvenue là où vos compétences et votre passion peuvent être développés leur plus grand potentiel.  

Student Partners!


Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES)

The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) is a national, bilingual organization that represents approximately 84,000 engineering students across Canada. Offering services ranging from leadership development conferences, to technical skill competitions, and other outreach efforts, the CFES aims to provide opportunities for engineering students in Canada to become unparalleled professionals in their field.


Atlantic Council of Engineering Students (ACES)

The primary objectives of the Atlantic Council of Engineering Students (ACES) are to facilitate communication, provide representation, and offer professional development resources to Engineering students in the Atlantic region.


Quebec Confederation for Engineering Student Outreach (QCESO)

The mission of La Confédération pour le rayonnement étudiant en ingénierie au Québec (CREIQ) / the Quebec Confederation for Engineering Student Outreach (QCESO) is to protect, defend and promote the interests of its members. QCESO ensures the well-being and development of engineering students, whether they be of academic, educational, social or cultural interest. In addition, the Confederation represents student interests and voices their concerns with key players such as the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec and the council of Deans of Engineering in Quebec.


Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario (ESSCO)

Engineering Student Societies’ Council of Ontario (ESSCO) is an association that represents engineering societies from 16 universities across Ontario, and acts as the link between engineering students and professional associations, academia, and government.

Since its creation in 1987, ESSCO’s goal has been to promote “unity, continuity, and visibility among Ontario engineering students”.


Western Engineering Student Societies’ Team (WESST)

The Western Engineering Student Societies' Team (WESST) is an alliance of engineering student societies across Western Canada. WESST consists of twelve member societies from eleven engineering programs.

WESST helps its member societies share expertise on organizing events, managing budgets and services for undergraduate engineering students.




VentureOut is Canada’s first and largest tech & social impact nonprofit organization connecting LGBTQA2S+ people in tech to career opportunities, mentors, and each other.

QueerTech-Purple-Solid (1).png

QueerTech is a  Canadian non-profit organization that empowers and connects startups, corporations, and 2SLGBTQ+ technologists to increase diversity, inclusion, and representation in the tech industry. QueerTech has thousands of engaged members across Canada and hundreds of community and corporate partners that benefit from purpose-driven and solutions-oriented programs and events. These initiatives provide career opportunities, build capacity, create safe spaces, and offer support in ways that recognize and augment 2SLGBTQ+ voices. By breaking down barriers, QueerTech empowers 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in tech to achieve their personal and professional goals, to feel a sense of belonging, and to thrive in the tech industry with pride.