The EDI Imperative: Changing the Profile of STEAM in Canada
Thanks to Engineers Canada, EQ Canada attended OSPE’s “The EDI Imperative: Changing the Profile of STEAM in Canada” forum. Trent and Megan joined over 1,400 attendees in hearing from speakers and panelists from professionals in industry, EDI experts, and government entities on topics of equity, diversity and inclusion.
Speakers presented key knowledge on diversity and inclusion, and the underlying societal issues at play. Panelists discussed initiatives that are underway at their organizations, and spoke of their own experiences as members of under-represented groups in engineering. EngiQueers Canada representatives were given opportunities to pose questions to panelists and network with leaders in industry.
Our Founder, Vanessa Raponi, sat on a panel focusing on the future of EDI in Canada. The core insight she communicated was that intersectionality will come to be an integral part of discussions and solutions that will improve the state of EDI in engineering.
Caroline Deluce, Executive Director of EngiQueers Canada and President of Carleton University EngiQueers attended as a delegate from Carleton University.
To learn more about this event, watch this video where attendees are interviewed: