Conference on Diversity in Engineering 2019

EngiQueers Canada spent the weekend of Nov 1st to 3rd in London, Ontario at the Conference on Diversity in Engineering (CDE). It was a huge success!

Vice President Trent Chappus (Left) and President Emily Abelseth (Right)

Vice President Trent Chappus (Left) and President Emily Abelseth (Right)

Throughout the weekend we had the opportunity to:

  • Conduct a session on how student leaders can improve Equity, Diversity and Inclusiveness (EDI) at their schools

  • Train all delegates on the fundamentals of Intersectionality and Systems of Oppression

  • Hosted a successful Town Hall, where we ratified our new partnership with WESST (Western Engineering Student Societies’ Team)

We are excited to announce that we are now officially partners with all Canadian regional engineering student organizations (WESST, ESSCO, CRÉIQ, and ACES) as well as the CFES at the national level!

Thank you to the organizing committee at Western University, and the rest of the CFES / FCEG team for organizing an educational, insightful, and successful conference. CDE continues to inspire engineering students to celebrate, promote, and advocate for diversity and inclusiveness in engineering on an annual basis.


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